Monday, December 31, 2007

Family First

Holidays are always a time we love to spend with our families. This Christmas season was no exception. Saturday was Sommer game night at Aunt Terry's house in White Oak. With the number of people planning to attend (Terry, Kevin, and Ben; Martha, Doug, Jeff, Dorin, Tasha, and friends; Christina; Mom and Dad; Mark, Lorraine, Alyson, Rachel, and Maria; Grandmother; Cindy and Sophie; and Greg, Joey, Jay, and me), what game(s) would enable all of us to participate? BUNCO is the name of the game! Many of us had never played bunco before, but this dice game is something that all ages were able to enjoy. Alyson even took second place! More importantly, we were able to spend time with and enjoy the company of relatives whom we do not see often.

Since Cindy and Jimmy were bartending at Joe Renner's brother's wedding, Jay needed a place to stay. At Casa su Putnam, Jay spent his first over-nighter. Jay is such a sweet, good-natured baby that people enjoy holding him~even Greg. Jay was passed around from person to person at Aunt Terry's house with each person not willingly giving him up. Jay and Maria did a little face-to-face time. I hope they grow up to be friends like Joey and Alyson. Anyway, Jay slept until around 4:00 am when I woke up, changed him, and put him back in bed with me. Cute little snuggler went right back to sleep, but no such luck for me. I could never sleep with Joey in my bed either-I was always afraid I would crush him. Giving Jay back to Cindy at church on Sunday morning was bittersweet, but I know I will get more time with my godson.
Joey absolutely loved having Jay at our house. Joey was a big help-he grabbed napkins and held bottles for his little cousin.

After mass on Sunday, Joey and I went home to pick up Greg so we could drive to Dayton. Grandma Janet took us (Carole and Roger; Nancy and Ed; Michele and Quentin; Greg, Joey, and me) to a very nice clubhouse for brunch. Ed had shown our house plans to the family on Christmas morning, and everyone was very positive about the layout and look of the house. Joey did ask that his room have a fireman's pole and ladder to get downstairs. Ed thought that was a great idea:) Joey always loves spending time with his cousins-Quentin is no exception. He is very patient with Joey, despite the age difference. All in all, a very nice way to spend the afternoon.

My birthday is quickly approaching and I am feeling a bit apprehensive. I have never minded, in fact I usually embrace, my birthday. I love celebrating my day, however, the number 37 is almost not mid-thirties anymore. It's bordering on late 30s and getting a tad too close to 4-0. Depending on the day, I may act/feel like I'm still in my teens (except for the knees) and 20s, sometimes even early 30s, but not the decade after that. 40 is the age that I envision my parents, even though I know better. Oh well, what does one do but accept and enjoy!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Papa Pete in Town

Greg's dad came for his annual Christmas with us. Joey loves spending time with his Papa Pete as evidenced by Joey scooting closer and closer until he was almost in Pete's lap. Unfortunately, Pete's stay was short but sweet. Friday night was ours, but Saturday belongs to Michele, Quentin, and the University of Dayton Flyers!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Putnams Go Green

Last year everyone received bathrobes from Greg's mom in our favorite colors. Greg's, Joey's, and mine were cornflower blue-my favorite. This year my mom made every family matching pajamas.
The cost of the flannel material...a few dollars.
The time Mom spent sewing...a whole lot of hours.
The look on each person's face when he/she realized that, yes, he/she would also be changing into matching jammies...priceless.
Let's take a look.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Twas the Night Before Christmas...

Traditionally, we begin celebrating Christmas on December 24 with Greg's side of the family. Santa stopped by before we arrived and left a few things for Joey before traveling to other parts of the world to make deliveries. Chief on Joey's list at Grandma Carole's was a Nintendo DS which he (and Quentin, Greg, and Matt) happily played with for a while. Since Joey had been bursting at the seams with excitement all day, "a while" wasn't quite long enough, but we still had to eat before opening more gifts. It was pretty cute when he went to the kitchen and asked, "How can I help to speed this up?" and then took a dishcloth to wipe down the counters. Joey enjoyed playing Santa and passing out presents almost as much as he enjoyed opening his own presents, maybe even as much. He very proudly gave me the beads and Greg the dog that he had formed in clay with Aunt Nancy.
When we arrived home, Joey was very tired and ready for bed, but not too tired to remember to put out Santa's cookies and 9 carrots for the reindeer. He also didn't want to miss his reading time so we read The Christmas Story followed by Clement C. Moore's The Night Before Christmas. Not long after, Joey was zonked out. He will definitely be ready for tomorrow.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Twas Several Days Before

Joey insisted on wearing his Santa hat to bed. How cute is he!
Joey had been asking if he could work at the Christmas tree farm, so this weekend I took him with me. I was afraid he would bore easily and called Mom and Dad just in case I needed an emergency removal. Unnecessary precaution! Joey was a big help-he pulled a tree for a customer, carried twine, played with a dog, and entertained the children who visited. He did end up leaving close to 2:00, but only because he was swayed by the opportunity to play with Sophie at Granma's and Grandpa's house. (They played gorilla rides.) Joey claims that he would like to help at the tree farm again. He was so much fun and thought that it was cool to hang out with Aunt Cindy and Mommy-he's hired!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Snow Days

Joey and I enjoyed our first snow day of the school year yesterday-doing laundry, wrapping presents, and cleaning his room! He also created his own sled run-down the slide and through the back yard on his snow board. It looked like fun, but I won't be trying it any time soon. Joey is taking full credit for the day off of school because his teacher told him to wear his pjs inside out and it worked! John Gumm is calling for more snow tomorrow morning so I'm sure Joey will have those pjs on inside out and backwards again tonight:)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Tree Farm

The Sommer Tree Farm is open for business Saturdays and Sundays from now until Christmas. All trees are cut-your-own and $30. There is something for everyone! Since firs do not grow well in area soil, we specialize in Scotch pine and spruce.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

The last few weekends have been busy! Last weekend we went to Dayton for Matt's 30th birthday and the OSU game. I don't care about the football, but spending time with family is my favorite thing to do and Ohio State won too-something for everyone. The Saturday prior to Matt's big party was spent with the Cub Scouts at the Newport Aquarium. For some odd reason (gaming, maybe), our den leader was unable to attend, so he sent his wife as proxy. That was fine with me because it was my friend Rachel. Our sons are in the same first grade class (Hi Mrs. Porter) and great buddies, so Joey and Sam had a great time together with the fishies. We even found Dory and Nemo.

While yesterday was a long day, it was well spent. Our tradition is to alternate families each year so that we are not running around like turkeys with our heads cut off. This year was my side's turn, so we ate lunch at Aunt Mary's house in Loveland. They still continue their tradition of the adults' table and the kids' table, which never ceases to crack me up considering several of the "kids" are approaching their 40s! Not me of course-I'll remain in my early 30s for a long time:) It was good to spend time with the Sommer side of the family since we don't see them that often. As long as there are cousins (first and second) to play with, Joey is a happy boy.
For our second Thanksgiving we headed over the river and through the woods to Grandma's house. Another turkey, more sweet potatoes, and lots of rolls later, we were stuffed! Although it was a smaller gathering, the company was just as enjoyable. After two full meals, Greg, Joey, and I crashed early-all the better for me to start Black Friday early!
I decided last night that I was not setting my alarm for the ridiculously early hour that Kohl's opened-4:00-like I did last year. I woke up on my own at 4:30 which gave me time to prepare for my day's quest. I leisurely shopped at Macy's and decided to try Target because Macy's had been so enjoyable. What a mistake! Getting into Target was easy, but getting out...YIKES! Harbor Freight was fun though-what a mecca for guys! At least I finished Greg's shopping:)
Now that I'm home, I hope to fit in a little decorating while I cook a turkey and the trimmings for Pete, Lou, Michele, and Quentin who are visiting us this evening.
By the way, the Christmas Tree farm opens this weekend-all trees $30!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

New Arrival

Alyson and Rachel are thrilled to be big sisters to baby Maria Elizabeth who arrived this morning at 7:00. She weighed a whopping 9lbs. 2 oz. and measured 22 inches long. This little girl has a carpet of hair and some large feet that are very ticklish. Her daddy called them "prehensile". Uncle Danny claims that she has the Yeager torso-long-, but Cindy and I seemed to miss out on that length thing.

The birth seemed to be easy for Lorraine (as easy as that can be). The epidural was administered on the first try, and Maria slid out on the sixth push. There was no stopping this child-no forceps or anything! Congratulations Mark. Lorraine, Alyson, and Rachel!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Coming Soon-Bobbi's Big Birthday

Another Halloween has come and gone, but Jay and Joey had a grand time collecting goodies from the neighborhood. Joey loved freaking people out with his alien costume, and Jay looked cute as a button as a tiger. Jay raked in the treats just by sitting in his stroller and looking adorable. I was amazed at the amount of ground we were able to cover compared to last year. As a five year old, Joey made it three stop signs before wearing himself out. This year Joey was able to go many more blocks before heading back to our house to meet Cassidy for part two of trick or treating. The two of them then canvassed Stoneleigh for a big haul. I snagged lots of candy for my classroom. No one needs that much sugar!

My friend and teammate Bobbi has a big birthday coming up this month. We celebrated at Mimi's Cafe in Deerfield Township. The menu is quite electic-we tried the fried pickles, the fried calamari, and the zucchini parmesan-Yummo! Four of the six of us ordered the seasonal special of Scallops with Butternut Squash Ravioli-an excellent choice. The signature bread basket is also delicious. This was also a good opportunity to spend time with Jill. We all miss her and wish her well as she and her family ready for a move to Indy. Anyone want to buy a house?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Time Flies

Greg and I were looking at our calendar thinking that we would have some free weekends with nothing to do in November. Yes! No sooner were the words said, then the time suddenly filled up! Oh well, comme si comme sa and c'est la vie!

The Christmas tree farm will eat up a lot (read ALL) of our December weekends too, so even though Halloween is still a day away, I'd better get my Christmas shopping done!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Season Over!

Two sports tried, how many more to go. Joey really liked t-ball this spring, but soccer not so much. Yesterday he played his last game of the season, but his favorite part was sitting on the "bench" and eating the snacks. A boy after my own heart! We're thinking about signing up for basketball in a couple of weeks, but aren't committed to it quite yet.

Joey does really enjoy Cub Scouts. Last night he and Greg went on their first Cub Scout campout. After setting up camp at a fellow scout's house in Newtonsville, Joey, Greg, and some other members of their pack joined a host of scouts at Spook-a-Ree at Cub Scout Adventure World in Loveland. I was specifically not invited, but that's okay-I did laundry:( The boys had lots of fun, although Greg said it's not like scouting when he was a kid. I guess lots of other boys stayed up LATE and were running around. Not our boy-he was out around 10:00. Thankfully Greg did take a few pictures-3- so I could see what I missed since neither Greg nor Joey went into much detail about their adventure. Boy bonding was good for them though and a little alone time was okay for me! Joey is the alien-scary!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mirror, Mirror

I finally finished this book. Gregory Macguire is definitely creative. I found Mirror, Mirror to be much more disturbing than Wicked-those Borgias! Macguire admits to taking creative license with the history of the Borgia family, especially Lucretia, but if even half of what he wrote is true...Yikes! And Dee thought I'd never finish!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Family Time

Our family Halloween party was last night. The pumpkin party was downsized this year-the drought did a number on Dad's pumpkin patch. Joey and Alyson really only need each other at this point. The two of them get along like nobody's business. Sophie and Rachel are starting to become buds as well. I guess that leaves Jay and Maria-she should be here within the month.
Last night, the family discussion was happiness: Do we feel it? All present agreed that happiness is different for each one of us, but that we're all pretty happy with the choices that led us to the life each of us now enjoys. I got a mushy feeling inside when Greg, being his usual smart-alecky self, talked about how he didn't want a wife, a kid, a dog, or a house, but got them all and now has a perfect life. Awwwwww!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Reading Aloud

I am very proud of the way that Joey is learning to read aloud. Greg claims his 2 minutes of teaching Joey how to "sound it out" is responsible, but I have my doubts. Usually we will sit together and read his basal (reading book) story of the week and also his Accelerated Reader (AR) book for the week. This way I can see the words and how Joey attacks those words. On subsequent days, Joey reads to me from the back seat of the car. My memory stinks, but Joey's stories are short/simple enough that I can remember what he is supposed to be reading. So far this method has proved to work-good grades for Joey, better memory for Mom.
Catechism continues As a professional teacher, I think I worry more about this. I am not used to being Joey's official teacher for anything. I mean, I know I am supposed to teach him manners, how to get along with others, and other morality lessons, but actually "teaching" my own son? Not something I have ever planned on doing! So far, though it seems to work for us. I am being constantly reminded, however, why I do not teach the lower grade levels. They're sweet,, that attention span!
Greg asked me why I bother blogging. Do I really have that high an opinion of myself? Do I think people care what I/we are doing? Quite frankly, none of those reasons explain my need for blogging. I love to write, and whether or not I am good at it, this allows me to creatively (or not) express myself. In the meantime, this specific blog also allows me to communicate with people with whom it may not otherwise be easy to do so. If you want to know what we(I) feel is important, read this. If not, log off now!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Going to the Dogs!

Greg's side of the family is really going to the dogs:) After losing much-loved pets, both Carole and Lois recently added to their respective families. Carole's new puppy Maggie Mae resembles her predecessor Max according to Greg. If that's in temperament as well as looks, then all is well. Lucy Lou, Lois's new puppy, even likes Barnaby and doesn't chew gas lines. It's looking good for the newest members of the family!

We went to a Halloween party last night-our first costume party of the season. Joey created his own "Freaky Bug" costume with three eyes (five if you count his own). He was very careful to conjure a costume that might be freaky, but wouldn't freak out Jay. I, on the other hand, DID freak out Jay-at least when he first woke up to a creature out of Dawn of the Dead (in my dreams). Okay, so I was going for the Goth girl/zombie/fashion victim look...Some called me Death. I also managed to "freak" out my six year old! Always an accomplishment! At least I tried, unlike my husband the Hawaiian (take an Irish/German/Polish dude with a tan, throw on a Hawaiian shirt, a shark necklace, and some shorts-you get the picture).

For those of you who think teachers have it easy, let me explain how I spent my Sunday (besides blogging). Writing lesson plans...1 hour. Grading papers...2 hours. Dreaming activities while trying to sleep...priceless! I love when the ideas come at night, at least when I can remember them. Some times though, it does not make for a restful night!

This week I started teaching Joey and a friend (or two) catechism after school. I was really worried about teaching my own son. I know some people do teach their own children, but Joey and I spend A LOT of time together, and I wasn't sure that more time would be quality time. Plus, my job is...teaching! Did I really want to spend my time with Joey doing what I do for a living? Guess what? I loved it and so did he (at least that's what he told ME)! I do love my son AND I do love teaching-maybe it's the best of both worlds.
Anyway, this week we'll continue learning about creation (last week-light, dark, things in the sky; this week-separation of land and sea, maybe the addition of plants). All I know is that there WILL be a craft. The boys tried to patient through the singing (to the tune of "London Bridge") and the reading (a much simplified explanation of scripture), but were way into the craft. We made mobiles of the sun, moon, stars, and clouds:) Searching for crafts on the Internet is very interesting-at least considering the difference in religious components. I need to be very specific which creation theory I am teaching!

The too cute moment of the week was today! Joey loves to help cook, but we haven't been cooking much at our house unless you count frozen pizza:) Trying to use up ingredients that needed some love, Joey and I made potato soup. The cute part? He brought a notebook and patiently wrote down each ingredient so that the next time he could make it himself and I would not have to get out my cookbook. Top Chef anyone?

Sunday, September 30, 2007

In soccer, Joey continues to run around with a giant smile on his face as the he and the other players run like a swarm of bees fly, suddenly changing direction but not formation. You can definitely see when Joey begins to run out of steam on the field-the little brute stops throwing elbows!
After waiting for our monarch caterpillar to emerge from its chrysalis, Joey and I took it to the school butterfly garden to release it. On the way out, he couldn't stop giggling because the tiny legs and feelers of the butterfly were tickling him. Unfortunately once we reached the garden and Joey realized it was time to send our butterfly on her way, the tears flowed. This is our second year raising a monarch, but it wasn't any easier for a six year old to let go of a butterfly than it was for his five year old self.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Cub Scouts

This week Joey joined Cub Scouts. He is very excited to be a Tiger Cub. He and Greg attended their first den meeting Monday night during which Greg signed Joey up for several activities. They both came home talking about all of the opportunities!
Joey scored his second goal on Saturday! He stills runs around the field with a big grin on his face-so cute and not aggressive at all.
Greg and Joey have one idea for a Halloween costume; Cindy and Joey have another. Guess who will be expected to execute BOTH ideas:)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Not a Lot

of stuff going on right now! Joey and I are in school. Joey is playing soccer. Greg is flying. Same old, same old.

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Lots going on. Joey lost his second tooth and hopes the tooth fairy visits tonight. Yesterday Joey played in his second soccer game. For some reason, he spent more time falling than running or kicking. He did much better this week though:) He is a speedy kid, but likes to run at the back of the pack and so has to put on a burst of speed at the end to get to the ball. His kick-ins went in the right direction and he scored his first goal!
Jimmy turned 30 this weekend so we celebrated last night. A good time was had by all.
Greg is flying as I write this-Chicago and Atlanta today!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

So Far, So Good

After another week of smokin' hot days, we have a long weekend for Labor Day! Greg's birthday was this past Tuesday so we plan to celebrate this weekend.
So far, Joey loves school and seems to be doing great. He has made some new friends and ridden the bus several times. He is also very into swinging and good behavior. Getting him to actually leave is the hardest part right now.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


You may not believe it, but yes, Joey is playing soccer. He played his first game yesterday as a Blue Dragon, but of all things, I left my camera at school, so no pictures:( While he barely made contact with the ball, he DID have a constant smile on his face and claimed to enjoy the sport.He also loved having a cheering section-Grandma Carole and Grandpa Roger made it down for the event. Having only had one practice, I think he did great! Maybe next time I'll have proof!

We spent some time yesterday (after the game) with the Sommer side of the family. Uncle Joe was in town. It was great to see him and Grandmother as well as my other aunts and uncles, siblings, nieces, and nephew who were able to join us.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Second Day of Firsts

Yesterday was Joey's first day in first grade and he loved it, but even more firsts happened today that excited him! He lost his first tooth which he has been anxiously wiggling for days anticipating its loss. Finally, the tooth fairy has reason to visit! At bedtime, Joey softly whispered to the tooth fairy to remind her that he had hidden something under the pillow for her. Luckily she was listening-Joey heard her twinkle:)
Because of the extreme Cincinnati weather-100 degrees+- school was dismissed early for the students (poor me, I had to work), so Joey got to ride a school bus to Granma's and Grandpa's house! He seemed a little nervous, but I explained to the bus driver ( a perk for me) where the drop should be made, and Joey seemed to feel much better. It was a long day, but Joey still had soccer practice. He really loves the activity, wants to learn, and is looking forward to his first game on Saturday.
Tomorrow is another early dismissal-it's supposed to be really hot, so after work we will be hitting the water somewhere!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

First Grade

Joey started first grade at Clermont Northeastern Elementary in Mrs. Porter's class. He explained in detail what would happen if somebody said, "the dog ate my homework" or repeatedly claimed, "I don't know." Getting a piece of paper after a red card is a REALLY bad thing. Even though the temperature was almost 100 degrees, Joey was still bouncing, literally, after school when he showed up to go home. Since I was seriously dripping sweat all over my body (how embarrassing), it was hard for me to understand how he could have so much energy when I felt so wrung out!
Oh yeah, he is going to school with me, which is a little strange-it's my workplace-but very cool for both of us, so far!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Tomorrow is the official end of summer for CNE teachers-we start back to school with an inservice at Norlyn Manor. Joey and I ended our summer by going to the Museum Center at Union Terminal for the cool "Real Pirates" exhibit with Michele and Quentin. It is definitely worth seeing. Joey's favorite part was the captain's bridge pictured here. He loved playing with Quentin too.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My Baby is 6

Joey will tell you that he is no baby, but I can't help remembering when he let me kiss him without wiping the kisses off. He had a grand birthday week in the tradition of an only child. On his birthday, we went to Sunlite Pool with friends per Joey's request. Friday brought his "friends" pirate party-four kindergarten classmates and Noah running around screaming. The boys all seemed to have a blast killing the pinata, looking for treasure, and playing on the Slip N Slide. The family party was on Saturday. This is one family that keeps growing and is exceptionally generous to young Joe. Writing thank you notes will take awhile.
On my side of things, I have been in my classroom and meeting with my teaching partners the last two weeks. One whole day was spent interviewing for a new math teacher. Sadly (for me), my friend and teaching partner Jill is leaving us to move with her family to Indianapolis. It is an awesome opportunity for her family (new job for hubby, mom gets to stay home with the girls), but I will miss my Mississippi sister.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Summer, Over?

Amazingly enough, summer vacation is down to only 2 weeks! I know I spent three weeks in SOSI and 1 week in Charleston, but the other 3 weeks of my break are almost a blank. I know that I did not accomplish anything. The few days that I do remember only come back to me because I read about them on my blog. What does that say?
Just in case I might forget, today Joey and I went to mass, Joey went to the St. Louis festival with G & G, I went to Target and Michael's, Greg and Joey went swimming, and Joey went to Cassidy's birthday party. I blogged.....
This week I will spend in class, interviewing, and preparing for Joey's birthday parties. Hopefully, there will be some time in there for a little bit of fun, and maybe I'll even make it into my classroom. I've never felt this far behind in getting ready for school...

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Back from the Beach

Yes, we are back from the Isle of Palms/Charleston, South Carolina! Considering it was raining when we left and rained all day yesterday, it was no hardship to come home, but those few days on the beach were wonderful! Sea Cabins, where we stayed, is a nice facility. Our efficiency condo faced the ocean, the pier, and the pool-great view! Joey loved his built-in bunk bed, even though he was trapped until we let him down as there was no ladder and we put up the protective netting since he insisted on sleeping in the top berth.
Making the 9 1/2 hour drive into a two-day trip was so relaxing. We stopped in Spartanburg, SC on our way south Friday. After a leisurely breakfast, we arrived in Isle of Palms on Saturday afternoon. Sunday was spent on an overcast beach, yet I managed to burn while my boys browned. On Monday it rained, so went to Charleston and took a carriage tour of the city. What a beautiful place with lots of interesting history. Joey loved Smokey, the horse who pulled our carriage. While in Charleston, we shopped on Market Street and went to a ghost/history show spooky enough that we weren't able to stay for the entire presentation:) Tuesday took us back to the beach-lots of sun, no burns! Wednesday and Thursday we spent at the pool per Joey's request. More sun, no sand:) Of course it rained on Friday, but we had planned on touring the U.S.S. Yorktown at Patriot's Point, something Joey (and Greg) really wanted to do. No Barbie Museum for us! The aircraft carrier is pretty amazing...and hot! It was raining again when we left this morning, so no tears were shed. We had a great time on our first just-us family vacation, but we are glad to be back!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Hairspray and Harry Potter

Okay, last night I went to see Hairspray with friends even though I wanted to read my new Harry Potter. It was an excellent decision! Yummy eye candy was provided by James Marsden and Zac Efron while Christopher Walken (sweet, not scary) and John Travolta played the loving, supportive parents of the awesome Nikki Blonsky. She really IS Tracy Turnblad. Sorry Ricki Lake, there's a new Tracy in Baltimore. I also loved Queen Latifah and Michelle Pfeiffer. Watch out Cruella!
So today I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Talented certainly describes J.K. Rowling-she made me read this book instead of doing chores! I felt that Rowling tied up a lot of the loose ends from the other books. She didn't take it easy on the emotions either. Call me crazy, but yes I cried. I don't think anyone who reads it will be disappointed in the ending-surprised maybe, but not disappointed.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Family Fun

Alyson and Rachel came to spend the day with Joey today. Sophie and Jay stopped by to visit and get a little wet. Slip 'n' Slides and water sprinklers are always a good time!
Jay and Sophie missed the coolest part though. Around 4:30 in the afternoon, we had visitors of a different sort. A mama deer brought her two spotted fawns through our yard. The doe jumped our neighbor's fence, but the babies were too small to clear it. After losing their mom and with us (Joey, Alyson, Rachel, and me) scaring them, the fawns raced back to the safety of the tree line behind our house. Several minutes later mama reappeared to search for her young. Apparently they had a safety plan because we soon watched the deer family reunite! I had been wondering about the deer poop I have been cleaning up along with Sammy's. Mystery solved!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Addicted to Blogging

52%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Mingle2 - Online Dating

Obviously I'm still learning about blogging, and it's not something that I do every single day-my life is just not that continuously bloggable-but blogging is something that I enjoy doing, especially learning new tricks to use (like the html code above) and sharing blogs with others. I also like reading other friend's blogs to see what they're up to, and other educator's blogs to see what I can learn. is a list of educational blogs that I have started to visit. Thanks Dee!

Friday, July 13, 2007


Today is Grandma Janet's birthday (we won't say which one) and our 11th anniversary-both reasons for celebrating. Greg, Joey, and I have a date tonight-we're going to Brio Tuscan Grill at Newport on the Levy-Yumm-O! Tomorrow, Greg and I are taking Janet out for dinner to The Pine Club while Joey spends time with Grandma Carole. On Sunday, Jay will be baptized at St. Philomena.
Joey finished his week-long sports camp today. Every day this week he came home happy and tired from playing soccer, baseball, and basketball as well as other fun games. We are definitely planning on this camp again next summer!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Papa Pete's House

Visiting Greg's dad is our only annual vacation. Tubing on the lake and sunset cruises are nothing to sneeze at. Joey really enjoys the time spent with Papa Pete and the rest of the family. Joey, I hope, has learned the value of family at a young age.
Joey is a champion tuber! He was nonstop! He and Daddy tubed; he, Aunt Michele and Mommy tubed; he and Mommy tubed. Next day: he and Mommy tubed; he and Papa Pete tubed. The only reason he stopped was because his fingers hurt!
This past weekend was a chance for Joey to spend quality time with the Putnam side of the family. Quentin is surprisingly patient with a cousin half his age. Joey thinks Quentin is the coolest guy ever.
We all know that almost teenagers are not always the easiest people to be around, so anyone who has the time and patience to make my son feel special...kudos to Quentin!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Ratatouille Review

While Ratatouille has a nice message "Not everyone can be a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere", it is about eighty minutes too long. The funniest bits can be seen in the trailer. Joey started getting antsy during the last half hour, which for me was the best part, but the other kids in the theater didn't make it that long. People magazine gave the movie "Critic's Choice" and a three and one-half star rating. In my system, this movie earns three stars-good, but not great. Maybe it will play better in the living room:)


We're going to see Ratatouille today! The Today Show said it was good and worth seeing twice. The trailers look funny too. I'll review it later!

Monday, July 2, 2007


June is officially over:( Joey and I begin our summer vacation today with plans to VEG OUT! For Joey, not much changes, although he does have a few chores to do (like picking up his toys!) I hope to get caught up with my chores-the pile of laundry in the laundry room is so big I'm afraid to look-there might be monsters!
T-ball has come to an end too. Joey's last game was canceled due to lack of players on the Elsinore Storm, so Joey's coach decided the River Dogs would play the adults. Dads had to bat with their opposite hand, but moms didn't! (We both used whiffle balls.) It was fun, but it's pretty sad when a bunch of parents won't "let" their five year olds win!
Jay has surpassed his birth weight, but Cindy and Jimmy would really like some sleep. something about feeding Jay every hour at night...Jay can certainly sleep during the daytime!
Rachel is very excited about her new baby _______! Mark and Lorraine are expecting in November!
Okay, I'm off to catch up with the laundry! Send search parties if you don't hear from me!

Friday, June 29, 2007

End of June

SOSI is coming to a close. Our last day is today. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed these last three weeks out of my comfort zone. I love science and sharing ideas, but speaking in front of large groups of adults is not my thing. I guess everyone has his/her niche--I feel mine is in the classroom.
I am looking forward to spending lots of time with my son. I know that after a few days one-on-one we may need a break, but I have been looking forward to this time with Joey. His three weeks with Granma and Grandpa are days well spent-he does love his grandparents and is lucky to have people who want him around, but I have missed my boy.
Joey's last t-ball game is tomorrow, but with a twist. The Elsinore Storm canceled due to lack of players, so the new team scheduled is...the parents. Joey thinks the kids will beat the parents. He may be right. With all the rain we've had lately, I'm not sure we'll find out, but you know I'll keep you updated!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Meeting the Grasshoppers

It's amazing what practice (or the lack of it) will prove. The opposing Grasshoppers clearly have practiced a lot this season. Joey's t-ball team could definitely use more practice. All of the boys are ready for this season to end as evidenced by the lack of attention paid to anything but the dust or mud in the field and the "Is it time for our snack yet?" comments. Hopefully, Joey will enjoy the sports camp that begins July 9. During the one week period, he will play basketball, baseball, and soccer for three hours per day.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

Our Father's Day was spent poolside per Joey's father's request. It certainly was warm enough. Joey, of course, was in his element-any time he gets to spend with his cousins is the best time to him! What makes him happy makes me happy:)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Baby Feet

Who doesn't love baby feet? How about snuggling with babies and the sounds they make? Jay is a squeaker!