Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

The last few weekends have been busy! Last weekend we went to Dayton for Matt's 30th birthday and the OSU game. I don't care about the football, but spending time with family is my favorite thing to do and Ohio State won too-something for everyone. The Saturday prior to Matt's big party was spent with the Cub Scouts at the Newport Aquarium. For some odd reason (gaming, maybe), our den leader was unable to attend, so he sent his wife as proxy. That was fine with me because it was my friend Rachel. Our sons are in the same first grade class (Hi Mrs. Porter) and great buddies, so Joey and Sam had a great time together with the fishies. We even found Dory and Nemo.

While yesterday was a long day, it was well spent. Our tradition is to alternate families each year so that we are not running around like turkeys with our heads cut off. This year was my side's turn, so we ate lunch at Aunt Mary's house in Loveland. They still continue their tradition of the adults' table and the kids' table, which never ceases to crack me up considering several of the "kids" are approaching their 40s! Not me of course-I'll remain in my early 30s for a long time:) It was good to spend time with the Sommer side of the family since we don't see them that often. As long as there are cousins (first and second) to play with, Joey is a happy boy.
For our second Thanksgiving we headed over the river and through the woods to Grandma's house. Another turkey, more sweet potatoes, and lots of rolls later, we were stuffed! Although it was a smaller gathering, the company was just as enjoyable. After two full meals, Greg, Joey, and I crashed early-all the better for me to start Black Friday early!
I decided last night that I was not setting my alarm for the ridiculously early hour that Kohl's opened-4:00-like I did last year. I woke up on my own at 4:30 which gave me time to prepare for my day's quest. I leisurely shopped at Macy's and decided to try Target because Macy's had been so enjoyable. What a mistake! Getting into Target was easy, but getting out...YIKES! Harbor Freight was fun though-what a mecca for guys! At least I finished Greg's shopping:)
Now that I'm home, I hope to fit in a little decorating while I cook a turkey and the trimmings for Pete, Lou, Michele, and Quentin who are visiting us this evening.
By the way, the Christmas Tree farm opens this weekend-all trees $30!

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