Monday, July 2, 2007


June is officially over:( Joey and I begin our summer vacation today with plans to VEG OUT! For Joey, not much changes, although he does have a few chores to do (like picking up his toys!) I hope to get caught up with my chores-the pile of laundry in the laundry room is so big I'm afraid to look-there might be monsters!
T-ball has come to an end too. Joey's last game was canceled due to lack of players on the Elsinore Storm, so Joey's coach decided the River Dogs would play the adults. Dads had to bat with their opposite hand, but moms didn't! (We both used whiffle balls.) It was fun, but it's pretty sad when a bunch of parents won't "let" their five year olds win!
Jay has surpassed his birth weight, but Cindy and Jimmy would really like some sleep. something about feeding Jay every hour at night...Jay can certainly sleep during the daytime!
Rachel is very excited about her new baby _______! Mark and Lorraine are expecting in November!
Okay, I'm off to catch up with the laundry! Send search parties if you don't hear from me!

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