Sunday, October 14, 2007

Family Time

Our family Halloween party was last night. The pumpkin party was downsized this year-the drought did a number on Dad's pumpkin patch. Joey and Alyson really only need each other at this point. The two of them get along like nobody's business. Sophie and Rachel are starting to become buds as well. I guess that leaves Jay and Maria-she should be here within the month.
Last night, the family discussion was happiness: Do we feel it? All present agreed that happiness is different for each one of us, but that we're all pretty happy with the choices that led us to the life each of us now enjoys. I got a mushy feeling inside when Greg, being his usual smart-alecky self, talked about how he didn't want a wife, a kid, a dog, or a house, but got them all and now has a perfect life. Awwwwww!

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