Sunday, October 7, 2007

Going to the Dogs!

Greg's side of the family is really going to the dogs:) After losing much-loved pets, both Carole and Lois recently added to their respective families. Carole's new puppy Maggie Mae resembles her predecessor Max according to Greg. If that's in temperament as well as looks, then all is well. Lucy Lou, Lois's new puppy, even likes Barnaby and doesn't chew gas lines. It's looking good for the newest members of the family!

We went to a Halloween party last night-our first costume party of the season. Joey created his own "Freaky Bug" costume with three eyes (five if you count his own). He was very careful to conjure a costume that might be freaky, but wouldn't freak out Jay. I, on the other hand, DID freak out Jay-at least when he first woke up to a creature out of Dawn of the Dead (in my dreams). Okay, so I was going for the Goth girl/zombie/fashion victim look...Some called me Death. I also managed to "freak" out my six year old! Always an accomplishment! At least I tried, unlike my husband the Hawaiian (take an Irish/German/Polish dude with a tan, throw on a Hawaiian shirt, a shark necklace, and some shorts-you get the picture).

For those of you who think teachers have it easy, let me explain how I spent my Sunday (besides blogging). Writing lesson plans...1 hour. Grading papers...2 hours. Dreaming activities while trying to sleep...priceless! I love when the ideas come at night, at least when I can remember them. Some times though, it does not make for a restful night!

This week I started teaching Joey and a friend (or two) catechism after school. I was really worried about teaching my own son. I know some people do teach their own children, but Joey and I spend A LOT of time together, and I wasn't sure that more time would be quality time. Plus, my job is...teaching! Did I really want to spend my time with Joey doing what I do for a living? Guess what? I loved it and so did he (at least that's what he told ME)! I do love my son AND I do love teaching-maybe it's the best of both worlds.
Anyway, this week we'll continue learning about creation (last week-light, dark, things in the sky; this week-separation of land and sea, maybe the addition of plants). All I know is that there WILL be a craft. The boys tried to patient through the singing (to the tune of "London Bridge") and the reading (a much simplified explanation of scripture), but were way into the craft. We made mobiles of the sun, moon, stars, and clouds:) Searching for crafts on the Internet is very interesting-at least considering the difference in religious components. I need to be very specific which creation theory I am teaching!

The too cute moment of the week was today! Joey loves to help cook, but we haven't been cooking much at our house unless you count frozen pizza:) Trying to use up ingredients that needed some love, Joey and I made potato soup. The cute part? He brought a notebook and patiently wrote down each ingredient so that the next time he could make it himself and I would not have to get out my cookbook. Top Chef anyone?

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