Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Reading Aloud

I am very proud of the way that Joey is learning to read aloud. Greg claims his 2 minutes of teaching Joey how to "sound it out" is responsible, but I have my doubts. Usually we will sit together and read his basal (reading book) story of the week and also his Accelerated Reader (AR) book for the week. This way I can see the words and how Joey attacks those words. On subsequent days, Joey reads to me from the back seat of the car. My memory stinks, but Joey's stories are short/simple enough that I can remember what he is supposed to be reading. So far this method has proved to work-good grades for Joey, better memory for Mom.
Catechism continues As a professional teacher, I think I worry more about this. I am not used to being Joey's official teacher for anything. I mean, I know I am supposed to teach him manners, how to get along with others, and other morality lessons, but actually "teaching" my own son? Not something I have ever planned on doing! So far, though it seems to work for us. I am being constantly reminded, however, why I do not teach the lower grade levels. They're sweet,, that attention span!
Greg asked me why I bother blogging. Do I really have that high an opinion of myself? Do I think people care what I/we are doing? Quite frankly, none of those reasons explain my need for blogging. I love to write, and whether or not I am good at it, this allows me to creatively (or not) express myself. In the meantime, this specific blog also allows me to communicate with people with whom it may not otherwise be easy to do so. If you want to know what we(I) feel is important, read this. If not, log off now!

1 comment:

Dee said...

I love your blog! Keep it up!