Monday, December 31, 2007

Family First

Holidays are always a time we love to spend with our families. This Christmas season was no exception. Saturday was Sommer game night at Aunt Terry's house in White Oak. With the number of people planning to attend (Terry, Kevin, and Ben; Martha, Doug, Jeff, Dorin, Tasha, and friends; Christina; Mom and Dad; Mark, Lorraine, Alyson, Rachel, and Maria; Grandmother; Cindy and Sophie; and Greg, Joey, Jay, and me), what game(s) would enable all of us to participate? BUNCO is the name of the game! Many of us had never played bunco before, but this dice game is something that all ages were able to enjoy. Alyson even took second place! More importantly, we were able to spend time with and enjoy the company of relatives whom we do not see often.

Since Cindy and Jimmy were bartending at Joe Renner's brother's wedding, Jay needed a place to stay. At Casa su Putnam, Jay spent his first over-nighter. Jay is such a sweet, good-natured baby that people enjoy holding him~even Greg. Jay was passed around from person to person at Aunt Terry's house with each person not willingly giving him up. Jay and Maria did a little face-to-face time. I hope they grow up to be friends like Joey and Alyson. Anyway, Jay slept until around 4:00 am when I woke up, changed him, and put him back in bed with me. Cute little snuggler went right back to sleep, but no such luck for me. I could never sleep with Joey in my bed either-I was always afraid I would crush him. Giving Jay back to Cindy at church on Sunday morning was bittersweet, but I know I will get more time with my godson.
Joey absolutely loved having Jay at our house. Joey was a big help-he grabbed napkins and held bottles for his little cousin.

After mass on Sunday, Joey and I went home to pick up Greg so we could drive to Dayton. Grandma Janet took us (Carole and Roger; Nancy and Ed; Michele and Quentin; Greg, Joey, and me) to a very nice clubhouse for brunch. Ed had shown our house plans to the family on Christmas morning, and everyone was very positive about the layout and look of the house. Joey did ask that his room have a fireman's pole and ladder to get downstairs. Ed thought that was a great idea:) Joey always loves spending time with his cousins-Quentin is no exception. He is very patient with Joey, despite the age difference. All in all, a very nice way to spend the afternoon.

My birthday is quickly approaching and I am feeling a bit apprehensive. I have never minded, in fact I usually embrace, my birthday. I love celebrating my day, however, the number 37 is almost not mid-thirties anymore. It's bordering on late 30s and getting a tad too close to 4-0. Depending on the day, I may act/feel like I'm still in my teens (except for the knees) and 20s, sometimes even early 30s, but not the decade after that. 40 is the age that I envision my parents, even though I know better. Oh well, what does one do but accept and enjoy!

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