Sunday, September 28, 2008

Beautiful Sunday

The last thing I should be doing now is updating this blog, but for some reason I feel compelled. Maybe it's because I know there are sooooo many people who are anxiously awaiting the news to be read on this site-NOT-actually, that might be it. So I'll update it now and enjoy the beautiful weather in a few moments.
Perhaps you know that I had a slight addiction to Millsberry then to Webkinz. Luckily, I have overcome those addictions only to replace them with one to Facebook. I keep telling myself that at least it's an adult site...
Joey and I had dentist appointments this week-good time was had by all! I was not expecting, however, to hear that my 7 year old should see an orthodontist! Back in my day, kids did not get braces until their teens, but apparently there is preventive/proactive orthodontia to be practiced. Whatever, we're trying to decide between Dr. Thacker (near us and recommended by friend) or Dr. Rinaldi (recommended by friend and dentist and comes with a free consultation). Hmmm... Do you think they'll do a BOGO deal? I could really use some straightening myself.
Bangs or no bangs-let's vote. If you are a reader of this blog (and if you saw this, you are), vote on whether or not I should continue with the no bangs look.

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