Thursday, September 18, 2008


I am SO ready to go back to school. We have been out of school for 4 days now due to Sunday's windstorm. Luckily, we have had electricity the entire time unlike some of my family and friends. Mom and Dad are on their way over now for showers again. For them, my sister and others living on the hill, having no electricity means having no running water-something to think about when Greg and I finally get around to building our house.
I spent yesterday avoiding school work which meant I had to find something else to occupy my time-I am bored (and no, I don't want to do housework either!) So I hooked up my iConvert slide scanner and scanned all of the slides that I had. Mom is bringing me more today so I can continue documenting our early family history. Joey liked pushing the button to capture the image, and I enjoyed having him guess who people in the photos were. We learned that Sophie's hair is very like mine was at that age-crazy blonde curls.

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