Sunday, September 28, 2008

Beautiful Sunday

The last thing I should be doing now is updating this blog, but for some reason I feel compelled. Maybe it's because I know there are sooooo many people who are anxiously awaiting the news to be read on this site-NOT-actually, that might be it. So I'll update it now and enjoy the beautiful weather in a few moments.
Perhaps you know that I had a slight addiction to Millsberry then to Webkinz. Luckily, I have overcome those addictions only to replace them with one to Facebook. I keep telling myself that at least it's an adult site...
Joey and I had dentist appointments this week-good time was had by all! I was not expecting, however, to hear that my 7 year old should see an orthodontist! Back in my day, kids did not get braces until their teens, but apparently there is preventive/proactive orthodontia to be practiced. Whatever, we're trying to decide between Dr. Thacker (near us and recommended by friend) or Dr. Rinaldi (recommended by friend and dentist and comes with a free consultation). Hmmm... Do you think they'll do a BOGO deal? I could really use some straightening myself.
Bangs or no bangs-let's vote. If you are a reader of this blog (and if you saw this, you are), vote on whether or not I should continue with the no bangs look.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I am SO ready to go back to school. We have been out of school for 4 days now due to Sunday's windstorm. Luckily, we have had electricity the entire time unlike some of my family and friends. Mom and Dad are on their way over now for showers again. For them, my sister and others living on the hill, having no electricity means having no running water-something to think about when Greg and I finally get around to building our house.
I spent yesterday avoiding school work which meant I had to find something else to occupy my time-I am bored (and no, I don't want to do housework either!) So I hooked up my iConvert slide scanner and scanned all of the slides that I had. Mom is bringing me more today so I can continue documenting our early family history. Joey liked pushing the button to capture the image, and I enjoyed having him guess who people in the photos were. We learned that Sophie's hair is very like mine was at that age-crazy blonde curls.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How I Spent My Windstorm Days

This motley group of assorted creatures are the soccer gang that played at my house on Monday and Tuesday since we didn't have school thanks to Ike. Missing are the two girls who refused to be photographed, so a big shout out to Cassidy and Chelsea.
Hotel Putnam still has vacancies, but is definitely getting a workout. We offer showers, meals, laundry services and clothing repairs. No reservations required:)
I wish school was in session tomorrow, but I have put off my lesson planning so maybe I'll catch up on that...

No School Today

It is so weird to have two days without school without seeing the white stuff on the ground. It is September for goodness sake! The winds that came screaming through southwest Ohio on Sunday did enough damage to close schools for two days so far, and according to Duke Energy, the wait for electricity could prolong our absence. Joey and I are very fortunate that we did not lose electricity, and that we have been able to open our house to our friends who are without power. Joey is still sleeping right now because he is so worn out from playing with all of our guests yesterday:)
We did lose our largest tree (a humongous locust), but with Jen's help I was able to get all of the debris cleared away. When Greg gets home, he has a formidable task waiting because the top half of the tree is perched precariously against another tree. Joey won't be allowed to play in the back yard until that danger zone is cleaned up.
Greg has been in Chicago which is having its own weather problems. Days of torrential rain and flooding have made the Windy City a miserable place to be for my sun-loving hubby. Luckily, he is on a three-day now and out of Chi-town.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

In Memory: Charleen Spahr

Today we walked in memory of Charleen Spahr though we began this journey hoping to support her fight. Unfortunately, her battle was short, but the legacy she leaves behind in all of the students and parents whose lives she touched will last for generations.
We miss you Charleen!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Where Have I Been?

Tomorrow is the Race for the Cure in Mason. Our team, Spahr's Stars is over 120 people strong and in the top 20 of all teams for fundraising. I'm glad there are so many people supporting our team, we just all hate the reason for it. When Charleen learned she was sick in early August, everyone was so hopeful. I am still having a difficult time processing that she is no longer with us. Her funeral last Friday was one of the saddest demonstrations of love in which I have participated. The number of people whose lives she touched-family, friends, and students-is amazing. I still wish Joey had had the chance to be in her class-she was one of the reasons Joey goes to school with me. Charleen was passionate in her teaching and inspired her students to accomplish more than they dreamed. No educator has inspired me more in my own teaching. Tomorrow Spahr's Stars will walk in memory of Charleen Spahr instead of in support of her fight. It will be tough, but I think she would approve.