Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Break Under Way

We are now into the third week of Greg's absence, but nowhere was it noticed more than at the family functions Joey and I attended for Easter. The annual Good Friday Feast was a lot of fun for the attendees-lots of fish and decent weather. Rachel was really excited about the live lobster her daddy got for her. I wonder if she realized its legs and tail were on someone's plate? As always, the cousins enjoyed themselves and even included the other kids in their antics. The egg hunt was hilarious as kids picked up the eggs decorated like bugs and threw them back on the ground because they were bugs. The camouflage eggs were completely missed because, yes, they were camouflaged! For more pictures, click here.
Check out Maria-this baby really knows how to use her thumb!
Easter Sunday was spent in Dayton at the Schulte's house and included both the Rachford/Putnams and the Schultes with special guests this year, the Hortons. I really missed Greg at this gathering because when an awkward silence descends we can always count on him to destroy it. We also have our unspoken communication code (rolling eyes included) that keeps us in touch. Joey had a great time playing with Ed's great niece and nephew Bailey and Gage, but he missed his cousin Quentin.

Today our neighbor Cassidy is spending the day with us. While they play, I hope to continue whittling away at my to-do list for the week. Guess I can check blogging off the list!

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