Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snow Photos

Joey finally lost his tooth that he had knocked loose a few weeks ago. Someone was not paying attention when his mom suddenly stopped the cart and ran into the handle on the cart. Both top front teeth were knocked loose, but one of them seemed to reset itself. Joey had many volunteers who wanted to help him pull his tooth, but when the time finally came, no one was around. He was playing at his friend Cassidy's house when the blood started flowing and Leah (Cassidy's mom) suggested that Joey might want to go home. Joey ended up pulling it out himself and did well with the tooth fairy. Since school pictures were two days later, Joey spent some time practicing the face he would make:)

Ohio weather-you never know what you're going to get! Joey and Sam had a great time playing in the snow yesterday. Sam must be part snowbunny! Joey shoveled a little bit of snow-he doesn't quite have the hang of it, but the good intentions are there. As I shoveled, the wine chilled...

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