Friday, March 28, 2008

Go Xavier! Greg's Home!

Yeah, Xavier! To the Elite Eight! Here are the Musketeers' biggest fans!

After watching the Xavier-West Virginia game, Joey and I went home to take 40 winks before driving to the airport to pick up Greg. Yes, he's home! Just for a week-he leaves again next Sunday, but his airline has decided that he and the other 18 pilots in his class will have to start over and learn a new plane because they are phasing out the ERJ. I thought phasing out was a slow process, but apparently not in airline speak. Anyway, Joey and I are very excited that Greg is home, if only for the week. He plans to study for the new plane and work on getting this house ready to sell. The bad news? Yeah, when he leaves Sunday he'll be gone for four weeks:(

Spring Break Fun

So far I have spent most of my time packing and cleaning with a little school work thrown in. Joey has helped a little, but on Tuesday he and Cassidy spent the day together. They played slot car racing, went doodling, and played at the park. It was very windy, but we all needed the stink blown off!
On Wednesday, we took our daily trip to the storage facility, had lunch with Mom and Dad, and then Joey was invited for a playdate with Garrett. When I dropped Joey off at Garrett's house, Joey didn't even say goodbye-he was that excited to play with the boys. Joey was still wound up when Garrett's mom brought him home at 10:00 that evening, but he went right to sleep!
Thursday was a big day for us. Grandma Carole came down from Dayton to play with Joey and help with "staging" the house. Lunch at Uno's-yummy!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Break Under Way

We are now into the third week of Greg's absence, but nowhere was it noticed more than at the family functions Joey and I attended for Easter. The annual Good Friday Feast was a lot of fun for the attendees-lots of fish and decent weather. Rachel was really excited about the live lobster her daddy got for her. I wonder if she realized its legs and tail were on someone's plate? As always, the cousins enjoyed themselves and even included the other kids in their antics. The egg hunt was hilarious as kids picked up the eggs decorated like bugs and threw them back on the ground because they were bugs. The camouflage eggs were completely missed because, yes, they were camouflaged! For more pictures, click here.
Check out Maria-this baby really knows how to use her thumb!
Easter Sunday was spent in Dayton at the Schulte's house and included both the Rachford/Putnams and the Schultes with special guests this year, the Hortons. I really missed Greg at this gathering because when an awkward silence descends we can always count on him to destroy it. We also have our unspoken communication code (rolling eyes included) that keeps us in touch. Joey had a great time playing with Ed's great niece and nephew Bailey and Gage, but he missed his cousin Quentin.

Today our neighbor Cassidy is spending the day with us. While they play, I hope to continue whittling away at my to-do list for the week. Guess I can check blogging off the list!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Before He Went Away

Before Greg left, he and I each claimed that it would be hardest on himself/myself when he left. Unfortunately, he wins. Even though our friend Monica has been very kind to Greg while he is in her part of the U.S., I am surrounded by our family and friends every day AND I have Joe.

The kids had a great time at the Easter egg hunt at St. Philomena on Palm Sunday. Jay even got into the act and found a couple of eggs.

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Surviving as a Single Mom

Joey and I have both survived our first week without Greg. Knowing that Greg will be back in a few weeks definitely makes this easier to take, especially since we talk to him every day. Joey is also really enjoying and looking forward to the letters Greg has been sending each day. Yesterday Joey emailed his dad since Greg just found a place that was wired.
This is a picture of the ERJ, the jet for which Greg is training.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snow Photos

Joey finally lost his tooth that he had knocked loose a few weeks ago. Someone was not paying attention when his mom suddenly stopped the cart and ran into the handle on the cart. Both top front teeth were knocked loose, but one of them seemed to reset itself. Joey had many volunteers who wanted to help him pull his tooth, but when the time finally came, no one was around. He was playing at his friend Cassidy's house when the blood started flowing and Leah (Cassidy's mom) suggested that Joey might want to go home. Joey ended up pulling it out himself and did well with the tooth fairy. Since school pictures were two days later, Joey spent some time practicing the face he would make:)

Ohio weather-you never know what you're going to get! Joey and Sam had a great time playing in the snow yesterday. Sam must be part snowbunny! Joey shoveled a little bit of snow-he doesn't quite have the hang of it, but the good intentions are there. As I shoveled, the wine chilled...

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Fly, Fly Away Home

Yes, it's true. Greg starts ground school in Tempe, AZ March 10 for 7-10 weeks. We are thrilled that Greg's dream is coming true, but maybe not so much about his extended absence. I am having trouble wrapping my mind around it being just Joey and me. I'm trying not to worry too much about Joey-he seems to understand, but he is only 6. Luckily, we have a great support system nearby. I am already looking forward to Greg's first visit home in April.
Does anyone want to buy a house?:)
Greg has been working diligently to get our house ready for sale. Ed finished the plans for our dream home, but we are not beginning the new house until our current one belongs to someone else. The timing may make this more challenging (see above), but I really believe that everything works out for the best.
Funny or not so funny? After taking three tests at home and one at the doctor's office, I am sure that Joey will not have a sibling in the next nine months. Yes, my doctor laughed when I said that I took three different tests (he assured me that they are accurate), but he still let me do one at the office to ease my mind.
Me during test one: Holy @#$%, I hope this is negative.
Me during test two: Okay God, if this is what you have in mind, I'll deal.
Me during test three: I still like the name Alex Elizabeth for a girl, but we're going to have to think about a boy name.
Me during test four: Totally disappointed.
Just when I thought I had myself figured out about wanting a baby or not...
Things really do work out for the best.