Saturday, November 15, 2008

Totally Unlike Me

to go without sharing my life online!
Joey and I finished the clothing portion of our Christmas shopping this morning, as in the nieces and nephew will all have new outfits under the tree. We're still waiting on specific requests from some of the kids, but we are completely finished with Sophie! Yeah Us! The Yeager family has not drawn names for the adult sibling gift-giving, but I am hoping to remedy that issue at Maria's birthday party.
Speaking of that cutie-patootie, Maria is one year old. It seems as though our world is full of babies right now-Maria and Marley, Harper, soon-to-be Ethan, etc. but that could just be because I am currently looking at a large amount of cloth diapers and ribbon that need to be transformed into burp cloths.
Weight Watchers has re-entered my life. The roll I am carrying around my middle is NOT one that would taste yummy with butter and jam (although the butter and jam sound delicious). According to the WW scales, I have only gained 3.4 pounds since June (hello, roll anyone?), but I am WAY over my goal weight and was in June before I added those additional pounds. It seems a little silly to me, to try and lose this weight over the holidays, but hopefully I will be more conscious of the food and drink entering my mouth and make good choices. I also have a WW partner who may guilt me into the weight loss. WW has worked for me before, why not now?

The Christmas tree farm on U.S. 50 will be opening the weekend after Thanksgiving. Come and get a tree!

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