Saturday, November 1, 2008

Good times and babies

Baby Wood was born on Halloween! Allen left a message announcing her arrival, but he didn't say her name!@#$ I still vote for Holly:)

Halloween was a good time for our cul-de-sac (as always)! The neighbors were out in full force with a few imports to the 'hood-my sister and her family, and my friend Dee and her family. If you've never trick-or-treated in the country like I did growing up, you probably wouldn't understand the novelty of hitting so many houses in such a short time.

The cousins had a great time last weekend at Granma's and Grandpa's house. They carved pumpkins, played some soccer and learned the legend of the Indian Rock. We took a walk through the back 40 and found the ever elusive huge chunk of granite that we always called the Indian Rock growing up because of its bowl shaped section where we think the early Americans ground corn. Mark must have known its location because it was covered with Ohio's version of kudzu. Mom has always wanted this rock moved to her house, but my brothers estimate its weight in the tonnage, so it isn't happening any time soon.

Soccer is officially over! Joey and the Sharks received second place trophies after another intense game that ended after a double overtime and shootout. It was a tough loss due to some bad calls by the young referee. Our coach has filed a complaint and offered to pay this ref double NOT to ref our games in the future. Joey had a great season and plans to play soccer in the spring. Mission accomplished-he loves soccer!

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