Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Greg is home so he, Joey and I will celebrate Thanksgiving tonight since pilot hubby will be flying on Turkey Day.
Right now I am thankful that Greg is cleaning my house!
GOAL! My first week on WW was a success-I lost 3.8 pounds:-) Although this is my fourth or fifth go-round with WW, I have never lost that much at one time!!! With all of that food in front of me this week, I just need to make good choices....

Monday, November 17, 2008

My Friends Rock!

Two posts in one day, crazy I know, but I just wanted to give a shout out to all my friends who support me in big and little ways on my big (often) and little (not so much) days!

Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things. ~Author Unknown

Weight Watcher Shopping

I'm back from the grocery store after my first WW shopping trip! Even though I was hungry when I went to Kroger this evening, I tried to make really good food choices. Rule One: Shop the edges of the store. That's where the healthy stuff is. First stop: sushi. Maybe this time I won't gorge myself on the spring rolls and get sick of it:-) As I left the produce department after having chosen several fruits and veggies (I'm trying those steamie things Leah), I saw the Mexican aisle looming before me. Quickly I cut back to the seafood and picked up a frozen bag of shrimp. Shrimp, I love shrimp. Shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, sautee it. There's, um, shrimp kebabs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo, pan fried, deep fried, stir fried. There's pineapple shrimp and lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich... I'm pretty sure though, that most of those things are not weight watcher friendly!
Rule Two: Don't go down the middle of the store. I really didn't need much from Kroger except fruits, veggies and milk. But there is a lot of ground to cover in between produce and dairy, especially at that Anderson Towne Center Kroger. On my way to the milk, I passed the bread aisle. Well, if I'm going to watch my points, I might as well have WW bread too. 1 point for 2 slices you know. Most bread is at least one point per slice. Unfortunately, the WW bread is not on an endcap so I had to venture a few feet into that aisle. Then I saw the crackers-I love saltines, especially with the chili that was waiting for me at home. Nope, I backed away from
the crackers very slowly. Sadly, they did not leap into my cart, so I had to leave them behind.
I did make it out of Kroger, but only after purchasing pretzel crisps, hummus, WW yogurt, flavored water-gotta slow down on the wine intake-2 points per glass-sometimes it's just not worth it...wait a minute, who am I kidding?-in addition to the healthy veggies, fruit and chocolate. Chocolate, how did that get in there? Must have had a coupon!
Helpful Hint One: Go to the store with a full bladder. It definitely helps with the decision making!

Did I mention that I made it home with 15 points to spare? I have a daily bank of 23 points to spend on food. I had a quick snack when I got home from Kroger (duh-wine, hummus, pretzel chips and carrots), but I still have 10 points to use for dinner. Using those points wisely, yikes! What a dilemma! All that healthy food to eat...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Totally Unlike Me

to go without sharing my life online!
Joey and I finished the clothing portion of our Christmas shopping this morning, as in the nieces and nephew will all have new outfits under the tree. We're still waiting on specific requests from some of the kids, but we are completely finished with Sophie! Yeah Us! The Yeager family has not drawn names for the adult sibling gift-giving, but I am hoping to remedy that issue at Maria's birthday party.
Speaking of that cutie-patootie, Maria is one year old. It seems as though our world is full of babies right now-Maria and Marley, Harper, soon-to-be Ethan, etc. but that could just be because I am currently looking at a large amount of cloth diapers and ribbon that need to be transformed into burp cloths.
Weight Watchers has re-entered my life. The roll I am carrying around my middle is NOT one that would taste yummy with butter and jam (although the butter and jam sound delicious). According to the WW scales, I have only gained 3.4 pounds since June (hello, roll anyone?), but I am WAY over my goal weight and was in June before I added those additional pounds. It seems a little silly to me, to try and lose this weight over the holidays, but hopefully I will be more conscious of the food and drink entering my mouth and make good choices. I also have a WW partner who may guilt me into the weight loss. WW has worked for me before, why not now?

The Christmas tree farm on U.S. 50 will be opening the weekend after Thanksgiving. Come and get a tree!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Baby Name

Harper Josephine Wood joined her family at 4:01 p.m. on Halloween. She weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long. Congratulations Allen, Rachel, Bailey and Sam!

Good times and babies

Baby Wood was born on Halloween! Allen left a message announcing her arrival, but he didn't say her name!@#$ I still vote for Holly:)

Halloween was a good time for our cul-de-sac (as always)! The neighbors were out in full force with a few imports to the 'hood-my sister and her family, and my friend Dee and her family. If you've never trick-or-treated in the country like I did growing up, you probably wouldn't understand the novelty of hitting so many houses in such a short time.

The cousins had a great time last weekend at Granma's and Grandpa's house. They carved pumpkins, played some soccer and learned the legend of the Indian Rock. We took a walk through the back 40 and found the ever elusive huge chunk of granite that we always called the Indian Rock growing up because of its bowl shaped section where we think the early Americans ground corn. Mark must have known its location because it was covered with Ohio's version of kudzu. Mom has always wanted this rock moved to her house, but my brothers estimate its weight in the tonnage, so it isn't happening any time soon.

Soccer is officially over! Joey and the Sharks received second place trophies after another intense game that ended after a double overtime and shootout. It was a tough loss due to some bad calls by the young referee. Our coach has filed a complaint and offered to pay this ref double NOT to ref our games in the future. Joey had a great season and plans to play soccer in the spring. Mission accomplished-he loves soccer!