Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dumb Bird

I was noticing a lot of weedy, straw-like material being tracked into the kitchen. When I went outside to trace the source, I saw the plant matter hanging from our security light next to the deck door. We are used to birds building nests under our deck, but on top of the light was new and MESSY. Since I was not able to reach the nest or see in it, I took a picture by holding the camera above the nest to make sure it was not in use. I pulled the muddy, empty nest down and Joey carefully placed it in a tree far away from the deck.
The next day...the dumb bird had a new nest built in the same place. Took another picture, pulled the nest down and kicked it off the porch.
The next day...stupid bird had another muddy mess on our light. Ripped the nest down and threw it.
The next day...bird wins.
I hope it's happy.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Tooth Fairy is Going Broke!

Joey is raking in the $$$!
It's hard to believe that I haven't posted in so long. Not that I'm any busier than usual, but...
Greg is back in Arizona (and has been for a week). He is now training to fly a CRJ, which is a bigger plane (not that I can tell the difference). He passed his first written exam on this jet on Friday, so that's one more step in the right direction. We miss him immensely, but are holding our own as well as we can.
Trying to run this household as a single parent really makes me appreciate Greg. I'm okay with taking care of Joey and doing my regular chores, but picking up Greg's chores (the ones that we swapped and I REALLY hate-bathrooms, vacuuming, etc.) and the things that Greg normally does with Joey (Cub Scouts, baseball) is overwhelming!
Until I find a moment-or put off cleaning toilets again-ciao!