Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My Baby is 6

Joey will tell you that he is no baby, but I can't help remembering when he let me kiss him without wiping the kisses off. He had a grand birthday week in the tradition of an only child. On his birthday, we went to Sunlite Pool with friends per Joey's request. Friday brought his "friends" pirate party-four kindergarten classmates and Noah running around screaming. The boys all seemed to have a blast killing the pinata, looking for treasure, and playing on the Slip N Slide. The family party was on Saturday. This is one family that keeps growing and is exceptionally generous to young Joe. Writing thank you notes will take awhile.
On my side of things, I have been in my classroom and meeting with my teaching partners the last two weeks. One whole day was spent interviewing for a new math teacher. Sadly (for me), my friend and teaching partner Jill is leaving us to move with her family to Indianapolis. It is an awesome opportunity for her family (new job for hubby, mom gets to stay home with the girls), but I will miss my Mississippi sister.

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Wow i like the picture.