Sunday, June 10, 2007

More T-Ball

Joey's t-ball team is still entertaining us. Joey had 3 hits Saturday at Ayer against the MudDogs. This week Papa Pete, Aunt Michele, Quentin, and Rich Joseph were in town for the fun. Other Joey fans who have attended his games are Grandma Carole, Great-Grandma Janet, Granma Catherine, Grandpa Ronald, Aunt Cindy, and Uncle Jimmy. Joey (and his parents) really appreciate the support everyone has shown.
Joey is excited about his new seat in a new car. Yep, we went to "look" at a car in Indiana--neither Greg nor I can just "look" at something. We came home with a 2004 Explorer and said bye-bye to the Jeep (no tears were shed). We did leave the garage door opener in the Jeep-oops!

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