Friday, June 29, 2007

End of June

SOSI is coming to a close. Our last day is today. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed these last three weeks out of my comfort zone. I love science and sharing ideas, but speaking in front of large groups of adults is not my thing. I guess everyone has his/her niche--I feel mine is in the classroom.
I am looking forward to spending lots of time with my son. I know that after a few days one-on-one we may need a break, but I have been looking forward to this time with Joey. His three weeks with Granma and Grandpa are days well spent-he does love his grandparents and is lucky to have people who want him around, but I have missed my boy.
Joey's last t-ball game is tomorrow, but with a twist. The Elsinore Storm canceled due to lack of players, so the new team scheduled is...the parents. Joey thinks the kids will beat the parents. He may be right. With all the rain we've had lately, I'm not sure we'll find out, but you know I'll keep you updated!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Meeting the Grasshoppers

It's amazing what practice (or the lack of it) will prove. The opposing Grasshoppers clearly have practiced a lot this season. Joey's t-ball team could definitely use more practice. All of the boys are ready for this season to end as evidenced by the lack of attention paid to anything but the dust or mud in the field and the "Is it time for our snack yet?" comments. Hopefully, Joey will enjoy the sports camp that begins July 9. During the one week period, he will play basketball, baseball, and soccer for three hours per day.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

Our Father's Day was spent poolside per Joey's father's request. It certainly was warm enough. Joey, of course, was in his element-any time he gets to spend with his cousins is the best time to him! What makes him happy makes me happy:)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Baby Feet

Who doesn't love baby feet? How about snuggling with babies and the sounds they make? Jay is a squeaker!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

It's Hot Out, Right?

So a friend noticed that I haven't posted in a few days and that's unlike me. Maybe it's because, instead of relaxing this summer so far, I am participating in a class:0 Joey is spending his time with my parents and visiting his new cousin Jay (who is too cute)! Next week he gets to go to VBS-a new experience for both of us...oh wait, I'll still be in class. I love self-selected professional development, but except for the passage of time, I cannot wait for my summer to actually begin. You know (if you're a teacher), no schedule, wake up when the kids feel like waking you up, hanging out at the pool, relaxing...
Oh well, Joey and I will spend our July and August "having summer"!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

More T-Ball

Joey's t-ball team is still entertaining us. Joey had 3 hits Saturday at Ayer against the MudDogs. This week Papa Pete, Aunt Michele, Quentin, and Rich Joseph were in town for the fun. Other Joey fans who have attended his games are Grandma Carole, Great-Grandma Janet, Granma Catherine, Grandpa Ronald, Aunt Cindy, and Uncle Jimmy. Joey (and his parents) really appreciate the support everyone has shown.
Joey is excited about his new seat in a new car. Yep, we went to "look" at a car in Indiana--neither Greg nor I can just "look" at something. We came home with a 2004 Explorer and said bye-bye to the Jeep (no tears were shed). We did leave the garage door opener in the Jeep-oops!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Photo Link

For pictures of Jay, click here!
If that doesn't work, try this:
Sorry, I'm not the greatest photographer, but the subject is cute!

Say Hey to Jay

Jay "James Joseph" Dorsey (not Jimmy Joe) is too cute! Arriving this morning at 10:15 measuring 20 3/4" and weighing 8lbs. 5 oz., he's a solid baby. Joey loved holding his newest cousin! He marveled at the monkey toes and baby chick hair. Joey wasn't too sure about the belly button stump (who is), but took it in stride. Cindy and Jimmy are proud parents too, a little tired, but happy to have their chief, chester, pick a nickname (but not Jimmy Joe). All things going as they should, the Dorsey's plan to bring TJ's birthday present home on Sunday.

Arrival of Jay

New Baby Alert! Jay Dorsey was born this morning at 10:15. Weighing in at 8lbs. 5oz., this tot was eagerly awaited by his parents after 30+ hours of labor. I am leaving shortly to see the little guy and hope to have pictures!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Where did my toddler go?

Joey is officially a first grader now! As I was driving him to school yesterday, I couldn't help but wonder where the time has gone. Where did my cute toddler go? Where did my pudgy baby go?
The last day of kindergarten was really fun. I'm so glad that I was able to go. Joey was very excited to take bubbles and popsicles to school to share with his friends. He had a great year and loved his teacher!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Joey loves his cousins. He has more patience with Sophie than with anyone else in his sphere. He had a great time at Alyson's birthday party, maybe not as much fun as Mark had on the slip and slide...
Life is funny and the world is small. Mark and Lorraine happen to have one of my college friends as a neighbor. Jessie looks just like I remember, and her kids look just like her.
Jay has not made an appearance yet. I guess he is comfortable. Cindy looks great but is definitely ready for this baby to be here! Only 2 more days...

Saturday, June 2, 2007

T-Ball Continues

Joey continues to progress in his t-ball skills. He had a good hit today and fielded a few balls. His throwing is improving too. Most importantly, he is having fun (and so is his dad). Greg is surprised by how much he is enjoying helping coach the team. Little kids are funny. Today, Mac's only worry in the field was when is it time for snacks?
Only one more day of school for me and two for Joey. I plan to go to kindergarten with Joey for his last day. We're taking popsicles and bubbles. Next year Joey will go to school with me and have Mrs. Porter for his first grade teacher. He already knows one person in the class-Sam Wood whose mom is one of my teaching partners. Poor Mrs. Porter, I've already warned her about the high-maintenance mom that comes with Joey.