Thursday, April 30, 2009

What it's really all about...

Overwhelmed, that's how I feel right now. Joey will make his first communion this weekend which is a joyous thing, but the preparations for that accompanied by our daily chores have me feeling like I'm running a marathon-but without the health benefits! Of course sitting at the computer blogging will help me get a lot accomplished:-) Oh well, maybe I'll be motivated once I list my chores here.
Regular weekend chores for me: do laundry, pay bills/balance checkbook, cut grass/do yardwork, grade papers
Regular weekend activities for Joey (that require a chauffeur-me): baseball practice, soccer practice, baseball game, soccer game, tumbling
This week's extra chores: clean bathrooms for guests (Greg cleaned the rest of the house when he was home-what a guy!), grocery shopping for Joey's reception, fixing food for Joey's reception
This week's extra activities for Joey (again with the chauffeuring): first communion rehearsal, first communion, first communion reception
Oh yeah, in addition to all of the above, it's also deadline time at work. Sometime this weekend, I need to write lesson plans for next week, complete interims for my students, put together the school newspaper (as in write and edit it), finish my online course and submit the final grades for the online course to Miami. Great timing, huh?
Wish me luck! You think I could fit in a haircut, pedicure or massage?
In the end though, it's really all about Joey, his growing faith and spending time with our family. On further thought, I don't need any extra luck. I already have all I need:-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know you, and therefore I know it all got finished, with a flourish! :-)
Miss you!