Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Alone in Cincinnati

Where to start? I guess I may as well begin with the biggest letting go I've experienced since becoming a mom. Joey left us on Sunday to spend the week at Papa Pete's house. Greg and I drove Joey to Bowling Green (approx. halfway) to meet Pete for the hand off. Joey was super excited about this trip-I'm not sure which thing he was most looking forward too (the doting grandparents, the dogs, the boating-it all sounds good), but he could not wait. I on the other hand-not so much. Pete and Lou had asked the last two summers if Joey could come to visit, but I hmmed and hawed and (politely, I hope) said, "No." Prior to this year, none of us had spent more than a night or two away from each other. It was becoming increasingly more difficult to say no this year, especially when a cute six year old was so eager to spend time with his grandpa. The timing was right though-I am doing a class with Miami and Greg needed to return to Phoenix, so Joey is now spending a week in Elkhart. According to our phone conversations, they are having a swimmingly good time boating, tubing, shopping, building with Legos, biking, and fishing. Sounds like the perfect life for a little boy and his grandpa. They are even managing to do a little schoolwork and reading as well which makes me even happier. If Joey's happy, I'm happy:)

Greg comes home tomorrow which also makes me happy! Finishing another trip on the journey towards a career in aviation gets us a little bit closer to Greg's goal. I am so proud of the effort that Greg has put into flying. It looks like he'll be in and out for the rest of the month and part of July, but at least we are seeing the finish line.

While the boys are away, I have found plenty to occupy myself. On Monday, I came home from class and read a book. That's all, just read. Tuesday meant dinner with the team after class. Wendy shared happy news about her husband's new job with Dee, Francie, Rachel and me. Bob's new district is getting one terrific leader. Tonight I met Julie for dinner after another late night in Blue Ash. Locust Corner is really lucky to have such a terrific person supporting and leading them.
SOSI, the class I'm facilitating for the next 2 1/2 weeks, is full of awesome people. This is the second year that Dee and I have been lucky enough to team up, and we get to work with Tracy Lindner from Ripley-she is awesome. Both of them have been amazingly supportive as I've been forced to leave my comfort zone and speak in front of adults. Believe it or not, I do not enjoy presenting material or facilitating discussions with my peers. Stick me with a horde of 10 year olds and I'm a happy, comfortable clam, but this professional development stuff makes me higher strung than usual and turns me into a big baby.

Speaking of babies, Dan and Cindy are expecting in early November. I also have another friend who is in the family way, and I am very excited about her expectations! Baby Jay turned a year old on Sunday and is still one of the cutest, happiest little guys ever! Little Maria is not so little anymore, but she is certainly keeping up with her older cousin Jay in both happiness and cuteness. They almost make me want another of my own...BUT not quite:)
Hope to see you sooner!

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