Sunday, August 26, 2007


You may not believe it, but yes, Joey is playing soccer. He played his first game yesterday as a Blue Dragon, but of all things, I left my camera at school, so no pictures:( While he barely made contact with the ball, he DID have a constant smile on his face and claimed to enjoy the sport.He also loved having a cheering section-Grandma Carole and Grandpa Roger made it down for the event. Having only had one practice, I think he did great! Maybe next time I'll have proof!

We spent some time yesterday (after the game) with the Sommer side of the family. Uncle Joe was in town. It was great to see him and Grandmother as well as my other aunts and uncles, siblings, nieces, and nephew who were able to join us.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Second Day of Firsts

Yesterday was Joey's first day in first grade and he loved it, but even more firsts happened today that excited him! He lost his first tooth which he has been anxiously wiggling for days anticipating its loss. Finally, the tooth fairy has reason to visit! At bedtime, Joey softly whispered to the tooth fairy to remind her that he had hidden something under the pillow for her. Luckily she was listening-Joey heard her twinkle:)
Because of the extreme Cincinnati weather-100 degrees+- school was dismissed early for the students (poor me, I had to work), so Joey got to ride a school bus to Granma's and Grandpa's house! He seemed a little nervous, but I explained to the bus driver ( a perk for me) where the drop should be made, and Joey seemed to feel much better. It was a long day, but Joey still had soccer practice. He really loves the activity, wants to learn, and is looking forward to his first game on Saturday.
Tomorrow is another early dismissal-it's supposed to be really hot, so after work we will be hitting the water somewhere!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

First Grade

Joey started first grade at Clermont Northeastern Elementary in Mrs. Porter's class. He explained in detail what would happen if somebody said, "the dog ate my homework" or repeatedly claimed, "I don't know." Getting a piece of paper after a red card is a REALLY bad thing. Even though the temperature was almost 100 degrees, Joey was still bouncing, literally, after school when he showed up to go home. Since I was seriously dripping sweat all over my body (how embarrassing), it was hard for me to understand how he could have so much energy when I felt so wrung out!
Oh yeah, he is going to school with me, which is a little strange-it's my workplace-but very cool for both of us, so far!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Tomorrow is the official end of summer for CNE teachers-we start back to school with an inservice at Norlyn Manor. Joey and I ended our summer by going to the Museum Center at Union Terminal for the cool "Real Pirates" exhibit with Michele and Quentin. It is definitely worth seeing. Joey's favorite part was the captain's bridge pictured here. He loved playing with Quentin too.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My Baby is 6

Joey will tell you that he is no baby, but I can't help remembering when he let me kiss him without wiping the kisses off. He had a grand birthday week in the tradition of an only child. On his birthday, we went to Sunlite Pool with friends per Joey's request. Friday brought his "friends" pirate party-four kindergarten classmates and Noah running around screaming. The boys all seemed to have a blast killing the pinata, looking for treasure, and playing on the Slip N Slide. The family party was on Saturday. This is one family that keeps growing and is exceptionally generous to young Joe. Writing thank you notes will take awhile.
On my side of things, I have been in my classroom and meeting with my teaching partners the last two weeks. One whole day was spent interviewing for a new math teacher. Sadly (for me), my friend and teaching partner Jill is leaving us to move with her family to Indianapolis. It is an awesome opportunity for her family (new job for hubby, mom gets to stay home with the girls), but I will miss my Mississippi sister.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Summer, Over?

Amazingly enough, summer vacation is down to only 2 weeks! I know I spent three weeks in SOSI and 1 week in Charleston, but the other 3 weeks of my break are almost a blank. I know that I did not accomplish anything. The few days that I do remember only come back to me because I read about them on my blog. What does that say?
Just in case I might forget, today Joey and I went to mass, Joey went to the St. Louis festival with G & G, I went to Target and Michael's, Greg and Joey went swimming, and Joey went to Cassidy's birthday party. I blogged.....
This week I will spend in class, interviewing, and preparing for Joey's birthday parties. Hopefully, there will be some time in there for a little bit of fun, and maybe I'll even make it into my classroom. I've never felt this far behind in getting ready for school...

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Back from the Beach

Yes, we are back from the Isle of Palms/Charleston, South Carolina! Considering it was raining when we left and rained all day yesterday, it was no hardship to come home, but those few days on the beach were wonderful! Sea Cabins, where we stayed, is a nice facility. Our efficiency condo faced the ocean, the pier, and the pool-great view! Joey loved his built-in bunk bed, even though he was trapped until we let him down as there was no ladder and we put up the protective netting since he insisted on sleeping in the top berth.
Making the 9 1/2 hour drive into a two-day trip was so relaxing. We stopped in Spartanburg, SC on our way south Friday. After a leisurely breakfast, we arrived in Isle of Palms on Saturday afternoon. Sunday was spent on an overcast beach, yet I managed to burn while my boys browned. On Monday it rained, so went to Charleston and took a carriage tour of the city. What a beautiful place with lots of interesting history. Joey loved Smokey, the horse who pulled our carriage. While in Charleston, we shopped on Market Street and went to a ghost/history show spooky enough that we weren't able to stay for the entire presentation:) Tuesday took us back to the beach-lots of sun, no burns! Wednesday and Thursday we spent at the pool per Joey's request. More sun, no sand:) Of course it rained on Friday, but we had planned on touring the U.S.S. Yorktown at Patriot's Point, something Joey (and Greg) really wanted to do. No Barbie Museum for us! The aircraft carrier is pretty amazing...and hot! It was raining again when we left this morning, so no tears were shed. We had a great time on our first just-us family vacation, but we are glad to be back!