Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Just liked it

I am still learning about blogging and Dee showed me how to incorporate photos into the actual writing so I don't have to change them every time and they stay with the description. Very handy to have that information.
Cindy is still preggers and looks to stay that way for a while (are you listening Jay?) I can't wait meet my new nephew and Joey can't wait to begin butt-sniffing duty. He and Cindy have agreed that if Joey will do the sniff test, he doesn't have to actually change the diaper. I would certainly take that deal!!!
My little slugger is almost finished with kindergarten, sniff, sniff. I know it's cliche, but time really does move more quickly the older you get. Unfortunately, you don't learn this lesson early enough to enjoy it.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Let the summer begin!

Spent the day outside on Saturday. Ohio weather is gorgeous right now-if you can get past the allergy-inducing pollen. Joey played t-ball. The team is showing much improvement. Joey had one hit from a pitch and two from the t. He even fielded a grounder at third. No cones this week, which really helped Joey. They played three innings with 18 batters per inning-everybody hits and no one gets out either.
Went to Watertown Marina to hang out with Dan and Marilu (our friends who happen to be our neighbors). Joey waited very patiently for the graduates to be finished with the toys (jetski and small boat) so that he could play too. He was not a big fan of the jetski and freaked out when he saw the USS Nightmare on the river, but loved going fast on the little boat.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Great Time

This week has been hectic. Mammia Mia was wonderful! We left laughing and in a great mood. I will definitely see that play again!
Yesterday, my class went to COSI and the Statehouse in Columbus on an extended day trip. The kids seemed to have a great time. I was tired after that trip, but managed to watch the season premiere of So You Think You Can Dance~my favorite summer show.
Looking forward to watching Joey play t-ball tomorrow-should have some new pictures of my favorite little guy!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Joey loves T-ball.

New cleats, new balls, new bat...we're ready now! Lots of practice in our future, lots of bonding:) If anyone wants to volunteer to practice???


Okay, I didn't miss anything last night! Dancing with the Stars was only one hour (at last), but it was worth it. Joey and Kym are my faves-lots of personality and talent. Len had it right (you've got what everyone else has, only bigger..) Apolo and Julianne are soooooo adorable together and I loved the hiphop freestyle, but Laila and Max lacked...everything.
I didn't miss Heroes either, yeah! Who's going to die? Nathan? Peter? Is Siler really dead or in the sewer? A cockroach? Go Claire!
Okay, getting ready to see Mamma Mia! I love this show!

Sunday, May 20, 2007


If you know me, I really don't watch a lot of TV, at least not what I want. Our TV is usually playing Spongebob Squarepants or the Fairly Odd Parents. I tend to catch the reruns or watch marathons of reality shows (see the whole season while folding laundry), but this week presents the finales of Heroes and Dancing with the Stars and begins the season for So You Think You Can Dance. I will miss Dancing because I have tickets to Mamma Mia Tuesday night... I really need to get DVR or Tivo.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Charleston Riverdogs vs. Greensboro Grasshoppers

So today was Joey's first t-ball game. T-ball is true entertainment, especially if you enjoy Larry, Curly, and Moe. From the outfielder playing in the dirt to the mass of 5 year olds chasing a ball and ending in a huddle to the littlest little leaguer who hit a base hit and ran to the bench-t-ball has something for everyone. Joey is taking it a step at a time. He has mastered finding and staying in his position and is now working on watching the ball. We look forward to watching him grow as a player!

Friday, May 18, 2007

So today I added a few things and responded to Dee's post. Not too shabby, but nothing very technical either. Certainly the students will be able to cope. At least now I know the title of the book I'm reading, but keeping up with that could be difficult...

Thursday, May 17, 2007


As a beginning blogger, I am a little leery. What do I put on here? Will anyone read it? Do I care?
I plan to use this blog as a "scrapbook" of my teaching with a little bit of real life thrown in. Wish me luck!