Wednesday, August 3, 2011

House for Sale

Our house is for sale...again?...still?
We took our house off the market over the 2010 Christmas holidays and put it back on in April 2011. Frustrated is a mild term to explain our feelings with the lack of activity between April and July. We (Greg) decided to change realtors/agencies just to feel like we were actively doing "something" to sell our house and because we didn't feel a real commitment from our realtor at the time. Anyway, last night we had our first showing since changing agencies-amazing to us because the photos aren't even up on the MLS listing yet! Too bad I was out with friends when I got the message about the showing and only had a little over an hour until the showing!!! I couldn't pass up the chance to show our house so I raced home to clean up the mess. Luckily, Joey was very helpful, calm too. He repeatedly reminded me, "Mom, you don't have to rush." Yes, yes I did, until I fell down the steps-ouch! As I rush-limped around the house picking up and depositing under the bed or in the back of the car whatever was out of place and vacuuming, I heard, "That's what happens when you rush." Smart aleck!
We left the show-worthy house 20 minutes before the prospective buyers were expected. When we returned home an hour and a half later (2 new pairs of shoes for me, 2 for Joey), we searched the newly cleaned house for signs of visitors: footprints on the vacuum-tracked carpet, butt prints on the smoothed out couch cushions, etc. Here's hoping the house hunters came, saw and loved!