Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Happy Post Memorial Day

Many of you probably spent Memorial Day with your families. Joey and I did as well, but we were missing the third most important component of our family-Greg, who was in Tampa. Joey and I are not looking forward to Greg's next phase of flight training! We're not sure yet when he'll be called back, but I for one am already dreading it.

Joey and his cousins are crazy! Grams had her pool completely redone. It is really nice now, but Joey and the girls jumped right in yesterday. The almost shook themselves dry with the amount of shivering going on.

School is almost out! 3 more days!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


To those of you who actually read this, I am so, so sorry!
What's up?
Greg is home, for who knows how long. Oops, actually he is not home tonight-Elkhart, got to ride in the jump seat- and will not be home Sunday either-Tampa, gets to ride in the jump seat. I'm not sure, but I'm thinking Greg's girlfriend's name might be Jump Seat...
Joey's teeth have not yet come in-I like to call him Fang. The school nurse thinks he may need some large teeth (think Timmy Turner) to fill the space voided by his top front baby teeth...
Baseball season is in full swing...
Anyone interested in seeing Joey play baseball, contact me at susu575@fuse.net and we'll talk. You can also call me, but you should have that number so I won't publish it here.
The bird who build its nest on our deck light is out of luck. When Greg came home, one of his first actions was to remove the nest. Luckily, he did check for occupants first, but apparently my ongoing bird battle scented the area too much for actual egg-laying. I guess I should be happy that I won this war, but oddly enough, I felt let down.
I hate diets. That said, I am on one again. Not fitting into the clothes one bought just last spring gives one a sense of money out the window. This one is NOT HAPPY about money out the window, so I am back at Weight Watcher's. I know that the life style works, but even Florine didn't stick with it forever, so what am I doing? Trying, that's what! Having a friend who nudges-okay, shoves-one back into the weight loss trenches definitely helps, so I'm good in that department. We'll see...
Ask me later about the Sisterhood of the INC dress. Two sisters in and the dress is on its way to Indy!
I got to be MOM today instead of TEACHER! The first grade went on a trip to the zoo, so I chaperoned. 3 high energy boys + 1 read everything boy = 2 tired moms. Joey loved the zoo and I love Joey, so it was a GREAT day, but we did have one traumatic moment. As we visited the reptile house, the zookeepers fed the cornsnake. Do YOU know what a cornsnake eats? Do YOU know how a 6 year old will react when confronted with mouse mortality? My 6 year old took himself away for a few minutes to compose himself. He was "normal" until I picked him up from school, at which time he was full of animal rights questions. Luckily, PETA was nowhere around and we discussed how wild animals versus zoo animals get their food. While Joey seemed to understand, he was not happy with those cornsnakes. No pet snakes in our future at this time!