Sunday, September 30, 2007

In soccer, Joey continues to run around with a giant smile on his face as the he and the other players run like a swarm of bees fly, suddenly changing direction but not formation. You can definitely see when Joey begins to run out of steam on the field-the little brute stops throwing elbows!
After waiting for our monarch caterpillar to emerge from its chrysalis, Joey and I took it to the school butterfly garden to release it. On the way out, he couldn't stop giggling because the tiny legs and feelers of the butterfly were tickling him. Unfortunately once we reached the garden and Joey realized it was time to send our butterfly on her way, the tears flowed. This is our second year raising a monarch, but it wasn't any easier for a six year old to let go of a butterfly than it was for his five year old self.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Cub Scouts

This week Joey joined Cub Scouts. He is very excited to be a Tiger Cub. He and Greg attended their first den meeting Monday night during which Greg signed Joey up for several activities. They both came home talking about all of the opportunities!
Joey scored his second goal on Saturday! He stills runs around the field with a big grin on his face-so cute and not aggressive at all.
Greg and Joey have one idea for a Halloween costume; Cindy and Joey have another. Guess who will be expected to execute BOTH ideas:)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Not a Lot

of stuff going on right now! Joey and I are in school. Joey is playing soccer. Greg is flying. Same old, same old.

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Lots going on. Joey lost his second tooth and hopes the tooth fairy visits tonight. Yesterday Joey played in his second soccer game. For some reason, he spent more time falling than running or kicking. He did much better this week though:) He is a speedy kid, but likes to run at the back of the pack and so has to put on a burst of speed at the end to get to the ball. His kick-ins went in the right direction and he scored his first goal!
Jimmy turned 30 this weekend so we celebrated last night. A good time was had by all.
Greg is flying as I write this-Chicago and Atlanta today!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

So Far, So Good

After another week of smokin' hot days, we have a long weekend for Labor Day! Greg's birthday was this past Tuesday so we plan to celebrate this weekend.
So far, Joey loves school and seems to be doing great. He has made some new friends and ridden the bus several times. He is also very into swinging and good behavior. Getting him to actually leave is the hardest part right now.